The sun

I touched the sun and it cured me.

I was melting like a stick of butter on a car windshield in august.

The highest resolution picture of the sun ever taken was released the day before and I was recalling the image through closed eyes on my porch when it hit me.

If we’re all made of star dust, our energy comes from the sun, and we are all one, cosmic consciousness etc etc then shit; the sun is the main fucking event. Without it, we would all die instantly.

The ancients had it right the first time.
Or, at least, it’s as much the great magnet as anything else I’ve come across.

Both the opener and the closer. Mother of fire.

Try and look at that picture without a feeling of reverence.

It’s as close to where it all began as we can get.

Each bubble of flame is the size of Texas

Each bubble of flame is the size of Texas